7/24/2021 0 評論 民視樂活醫學堂錄影 您有做對防曬工作嗎?預防勝於治療,防曬是抗老化、抗斑、預防皮膚癌的關鍵策略。可是該怎麼挑選防曬乳、怎麼做防曬才有效呢? 防曬乳的發明史與未來趨勢為何? 聽聽張宜菁主任的分享。 民視樂活醫學堂節目,主持人王暐婷,來賓陳亮穎。 預約美容醫學門診請留言: www.facebook.com/Drchangskinlaser. EMAIL: [email protected]. 皮膚科張宜菁醫師|前哈佛大學研究員/ 北醫美容中心主任
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(週一&週五下午、週二&週六上午) 預約美容門診請傳訊息: www.facebook.com/Drchangskinlaser 美醫中心TEL: (02)6636-7135 或 LINE: tmuhbeauty 台北市信義區吳興街252號2樓第三醫療大樓2樓皮膚科 No 252 Wuxing Street Sinyi District Taipei 膚質管理|除皺拉提|美白除斑|酒糟油痘|毛孔痘疤 肉毒桿菌素注射、染料雷射、Fraxel 飛梭雷射、皮秒雷射、鳳凰電波、美國音波、除毛雷射、脈衝光、紅寶石雷射、果酸換膚、體雕減脂等 北醫皮膚科門診 :
(週一&週五上午、週二下五、週三晚上) 皮膚科掛號: www.tmuh.org.tw/service/regist/11/110008 MRT: 淡水信義線: 世貿101站步行10分鐘,板南線: 市政府站(北醫接駁車) Red line (Taipei 101 station), walk for 10 minutes Blue line (Taipei City Hall station), take TMUH shuttle BUS: 1, 22, 33, 37, 226, 288, 承德幹線 |
What Our Patients Are Saying 心得分享在醫師的指導之下,可以得到最適合自己臉上泛紅跟黑斑的治療方式,亦精確了解後續雷射療程,如何作用在自己身上,過程具專業解說,後續且伴隨有效率的追蹤,讓我感覺很安心。感謝醫生及團隊。
佳莉 在醫師的巧手下,我發現微整形居然讓我找回了手機舊照片中年輕時的自己。因為是自己的樣子、不用成為別的樣子,所以現在每天照鏡子時,充滿了幸福感呢^^~ S. F. Hello, I am a patient who is from California in the US. I have travelled to Taiwan for this particular skin treatment (fraxal) because the doctor is so amazing. In the past, I have tried so many luxury skincare lines, acid peels, microdermabrasion, and other such treatments for my acne and acne scarring. However, NONE of them can even compare to the wonderful effectiveness of this doctor. She has helped me so very much and I am extremely grateful. I cannot recommend her enough. She is the best and will give you the skin results you have always wanted. Definitely worth travelling around the world for! Henry Hsu Dr. Chang is precise and punctual. It's easy to see that her knowledge and experience is outstanding. I couldn't be in better hands. Thank you! K. Kuo "Dr. Chang is amazing at her work and was very attentive to my needs. I am from the United States, North Carolina, and I came to Taipei on a business trip with my husband. Dr. Chang was very informative and knowledgeable and explained everything to me in terms that I could understand. I met with Dr. Chang because of issues with fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage and an uneven skin tone. I received Fraxel Laser to my face and also Restylane injections to my chin, lips and under my eyes. I am extremely pleased with my results because they look very natural!! I would highly recommend Dr. Chang." Theresa K. "I scheduled Dr .Chang's cosmetic clinic during my short stay in Taipei. After having VBeam laser, my overall skin texture and clarity seems a lot better than pre-treatment. I am looking forward to my next trip back and will surely come back for another round." J.C 美容醫學療程效果因人而異,術後可能有風險與副作用。術前請諮詢專業醫師,並注重術後照護。
雷射等美容醫學光電治療後可能有皮膚紅腫、黑色素沉澱、皰疹復發、灼傷等副作用 電波或音波治療後可能有泛紅、水腫、緊繃感。少數情況有水泡、燙傷、疤痕、神經麻痺、泡疹復發等副作用。 玻尿酸注射後可能瘀青、紅腫、腫塊、泡疹復發、皮膚壞死、感染等副作用。 肉毒桿菌素注射術後可能有表情不自然、頭痛、眉形變、眼皮下垂等副作用。 倍克脂注射術後可能有瘀青、腫脹、疼痛、毛髮脫落、吞嚥困難、皮膚局部壞死、感染、神經受傷等副作用。 冷凍減脂或超音波溶脂術後可能有皮膚的溫度傷害(凍傷或灼傷)、神經感覺異常、皮膚紅腫等副作用。 張宜菁醫師網站QR
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